This picture of Savannah was actually one of the first pictures of her that we received with her referral packet. As the husband of a friend of mine described her "She's got game." In her eyes I see a strong curiousity and wonder, and how she's walking towards the photographer showed me that cognitively she was in good shape. Of the three pictures that were part of her referral packet, not only is this the only that was dated, it was also a picture from the time of her first Christmas, dated December 22, 2004. This is what my baby girl looked like five years ago today.
Every parent needs to have a picture like this, and I just happen to have two. In this one Savannah had decided to have a little fun with her yogurt. I had walked down the hallway for a second, only to return and find my daughter coated in YoBaby. I believe that this led to her second bath of the day. The other picture is one that her Grampa Leo took when they'd come up for a visit, only instead of yogurt it was lasagna.
These two pictures of Savannah were taken a few weeks after we returned home. She was out running around the front yard, walking really never seemed to be part of her routine. From the moment we met, she was a girl on the go.
September 18, 2005 - Mid-Autumn Moon Festival celebration sponsored by Mei Hua Chinese School. In 2004 we attended our first Moon Festival and at that time I couldn't wait for the following year when we could bring our daughter as well. Savannah loved the music and dancing so much that at one point she rushed the stage at the Fairhaven Village Green for a better look. I had picked her dress out in Guangzhou specifically with this event in mind... the colors reminded me of later summer with just enough warm tones in the flowers to echo the colors of Autumn.
Here's Savannah on her first Halloween with us. I chose this costume because it reminded me of her life in China, living on her foster mom's farm and the chickens there that she loved. Soon enough my little girl would want to be a princess and have her own opinions, for now it was alright that I had my little chicken. Savannah looks at this picture now and laughs "Mommy, if I'm a Monkey why am I dressed like a chicken?" The following year she went as a Monkey and was content to match her Chinese Zodiac sign.
In late November 2005 the first snow fell and I was no where near prepared for it. Many a winter in the Pacfic Northwest can go by without snow, and as a friend of mine reminded me last week snow that falls on a Sunday is never around for Monday. So here I was, Savannah's first snowfall here at home and did I have snow gear for her? The layers I put her in were reminiscent of her referral pictures and how in China the children are layered so heavily that they soon resemble the Michelin Man. My little Monkey had a blast in the snow and quickly displayed a passion involving snow that still exists today... eating it.
It was also at this time that we turned in our application to WACAP to begin the process to adopt our second child from China. Little did I know how winding the road to #2 would be and how 2006 would teach me about patience, perseverence and listening to my heart. I would also be reminded about listening to my younger sister.
Savannah's first Christmas with us was memorable, not just for obvious reasons. It was warm that year... night time temperatures in the low 70's (compared to the 40's as our normal weather). Savannah was actually miserable in her lovely velveteen dress and blouse that I wasn't about to change out for something more appropriate for the unseasonably warm weather. I had dreamt of this occasion and I wasn't swaying. The look of disdain on her face was in response to my mom suggesting that it was time that she go home and go to bed. It's almost as if she was saying "Not happening Grandma." We left our Christmas Eve gathering two hours later, with our little party girl still going strong.
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